How a technology reseller can benefit your business

What is a reseller?

Sometimes known as a Value Added Reseller (VAR), a reseller is a company that resells software, hardware, networking equipment and helps you to source the equipment you need, to either expand your business or fulfil your customer orders. The difference between making these purchases yourself and working with a reseller is that they are able to search the entire marketplace, utilising their relationships with key manufacturers, whilst still managing the purchasing process for you.

How will you benefit from working with a technology reseller? Reduced administration time for your business

One of the biggest benefits to your business of working with a technology reseller is that it reduces the administration you or your team have to do when upgrading equipment. Once the reseller has a clear understanding of what technology you need, they are able to speak to the manufacturers on your behalf, whilst managing the delivery schedules and sourcing the right equipment. This means that you and your team are able to spend less time searching the market and more time focussing on your own customers.

Access to a wide range of manufacturers

Another benefit to working with a technology reseller is that they have access to a wide range of manufacturers, making them ideally placed to source anything that you need to expand or revamp your business. At the same time, they are able to make use of these relationships to source new equipment at a reasonable price, which is then passed onto you. Ultimately, partnering with a technology reseller helps to reduce your technology expenditure and reinvest those savings back into your business.

Draw on industry experience

If you’re a relatively new business or don’t have a lot of experience purchasing new technology, then a reseller is the perfect way to get to grips with the nuances of the marketplace. Nearly all technology resellers have a wealth of experience and knowledge, built up over years of interaction with manufacturers and suppliers. If you’re working with a reseller, then you can use this knowledge for the benefit of your business.

Efficient operations

When it comes to working with a technology reseller, you can be sure that their operations can help your supply and demand process run smoothly and efficiently. Since they have extensive experience working with manufacturers in a lot of industries, they are able to advise you on which course of action to take.

They’re an extension of your team

When it comes to working with a technology reseller, you’re effectively extending your IT buying team. They work with you to source the most cost-effective equipment, meaning that you’re able to spend more time on the core of your business. Having a long-standing working relationship with a reseller also means that they gain an in-depth understanding of your company. As a result, they’re best placed to advise you on what equipment is going to fit well within your organisation.

So there we have it, some of the ways that your business can benefit from partnering and utilising the services of a technology reseller. Have you worked with one in the past? What positives did you gain from the experience? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so make sure that you let us know in the comments below. Remember, if you’re searching for a new piece of technology or you want to expand your business, then we’re here to help. With years of experience in the reselling industry, we’re able to source all manner of technology to help your business grow. Get in touch with us today to find out more.