How to Close More Sales with Audio and Video Presentations

The impact of a thorough sales presentation cannot be under-estimated.

In today's technology-infused society, presentations must utilize more than just pie charts and outdated reports. Instead, attendees expect to see professional-grade presentations that use a mix of audio and visual components. In fact, statistics show that given the choice, 59% of executives will choose a video presentation over a textual one. A good video presentation will not only attract clients but it will put your product or service in its best light. And since these types of sales presentations can be viewed simultaneously by participants all over the globe, your client base can grow exponentially with one well-timed presentation.

Here are some presentation tips on how to close more sales:

  • Purchase a high-quality web conferencing solution for those important sales presentations. This will reduce stress related to poor connectivity and low-quality platform issues. You want a solution that is secure, reliable and cost effective, right?
  • Follow presentation best practices and limit the amount of text included on each slide. Add images and verbally tell a story to go along with it. Gone are the days of monotonous readings – You’ll bore your audience for sure!
  • Use your slides as inspiration only. Don't read directly off of them as your audience will be able to tell. Let them guide your presentation. Encourage questions and interaction and expand on those topics that the audience shows the most interest in.
  • If you choose to incorporate webcam video during the presentation, it’s most important to maintain eye contact with the audience. Video conferencing is a great tool for visually expressing your passion for the topic visually.
  • Will your presentation be shared with partners or clients? It’s important to follow these presentation tips on how to perfect the video appearance. Use the appropriate lighting, dress the part and don’t overdo the background.
  • Don’t forget to involve your audience. During any live sales presentation, pose a few polling questions and incorporate a survey. This not only allows for interaction, but it gives you some additional insight on your audience. Ask questions that will give insight on your audience and use it for your own knowledge. This can go a long way in guiding future presentations.
  • Once your presentation is over… it’s not really over. Consult with your marketing team on how you can best re-purpose the sales presentation. You already put the work in – don’t let it go to waste.

Most importantly, be straightforward and know what you want the sales presentation to accomplish before you invest time and energy. Focus clearly on your goal and don’t stray away. If you’re looking for a reliable, cost-effective video conferencing solution, contact us today to try it free!